A great way to keep your lessons organized and get the class involved

I have constructed a poster (standard size 22" X 28") (mounted vertically) which contains a 8 1/2 X 11" space up at the top for a theme jigsaw puzzle (which will have one central puzzle for the 4-6 lessons covered that period) and then down at the bottom of the board.

I have a series of 2" squares in rows to depict individual lessons graphics (1 graphic/week sermon) and just under the squares I have them labeled with the month of the year. This poster runs from Sept. through June. Each week just before the lesson is started, one child will put the puzzle piece on the jigsaw puzzle and then the 2" square down on the lower part of the board.

A theme puzzle is completed every 4-6 weeks. For example, early in Sept. we did many lessons about our church, its history, how to act in church and therefore our jigsaw puzzle was an image of our church. Once the jigsaw puzzle is done, it gets displayed on our bulletin board, however, in June we should have 40 or so 2" squares to graphically portray all the lessons throughout the year. This central theme is intriguing to the children and the congregation and it also helps the teachers to focus together despite their individual teaching method differences. I do not know if this information for organizing Children's sermons is helpful, but it is very successful so far this year for us.

Our special thanks to Tina B. for sharing her great idea.
