Apple Sauce Kids

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Growing up in Charity (Love)

    For some time now I have been building a little learning toy for my nieces and nephews. After seeing a few of your products, I was thinking that you might want to build a few too. Here's how. First get hold of eight cups that fit into each other. The multicolored toddler cups will do. Then go to 2 Peter 2:5 and label each cup with each thing Paul adds. Start with faith as the biggest cup and label each successive cup all the way to charity. There should be 8 cups and the smallest cup should be labeled charity. Next, go to 1 Corinthians 13:4 and get the 16 things that makes charity. Label Popsicle sticks with each one thing and place them in the charity cup on top. A little flower glued to the top of each Popsicle stick makes for a nice flower arrangement. They look nice and show a simple way to go from faith to charity. Hey! maybe even back again. I make them according to a rainbow color arrangement. You might want to do it to! Enjoy them, I look at them often myself and I'm sure it teaches me.

    (Special thanks to Harry Teasley for sharing this great craft)

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Apple Sauce Kids

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