Apple Sauce Kids

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Teens to Adults, Kindness Activities

1. I have enjoyed using ideas from your site for a number of years in our children's extended worship program. Here is an original one I think visitors to your site will like.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Kids will be kids, so they don't always say positive things to one another. I tried this activity with my group in extended worship to help them practice using encouraging words.
Each child was given enough paper strips about 11/2" by 9" to equal the number of children in the class. Next we wrote each child's name on each one of our strips. I called out one name at a time and spelled it so everyone wrote each name at the same time. The main part of the activity was to think of a kind or positive thing to write about each child. I helped the younger ones spell, and the older ones to brainstorm kind words. When they were done they passed out the strips to the children whose names were on them. Then they helped each other paste them into chains using glue sticks. The children left with their chains and lots of smiles.
(Special thanks to the Sharon Lynn from Dallas, NC for sharing this great activity.)

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Apple Sauce Kids

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