Apple Sauce Kids

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Piles of Free Christian Fun, Games, and Activities
they're great for Sunday school and home

We also have Piles of Free Sunday school lessons, crafts, puzzles, activities, resources, materials and much more at Apple Sauce Kids
     All of these activities, crafts and games are based on Christian principles. They are great for all kinds of Sunday school, church, and family activities.
    "Sunday School Helpers" are activities, crafts and games that actually teach Bible principles. Simply find the Sunday School Helper activity, craft or game that teaches the same topic that you are teaching, and add some fun to your class.
     Don't forget, you can print this page out and share it with friends. Simply go to the item that you want and click on your browser's "PRINT" button. The item will automatically print out on your printer.
    If you wish to donate any games or activities please click below. We can easily add new categories if your activity doesn't fit into one that we already have.
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Sunday School Helpers



The Armor of God

Develope basic Christian and Bible knowledge

Learn the Bible Characters



The Fruit of the Spirit

Gifts from God

God wants to be involved in our life

All about Jesus, God

Kindness Related Activities

Lying Related Activities


Memory Verse Games

Noah and the ark

Salvation Related Activities

Snack Time Related Activities

Stewardship Related Activities

Thankfulness Related Activities

Versatile activities for many situations and topics

Witnessing activities

First Grade to Preteens

Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac

The Armor of God

Learn the books of the Bible


The Fruit of the Spirit

Gifts from God

God wants to be involved in our life

Helping Hands

All about Jesus, God

Kindness Related Activities

Learn the Bible Characters

Learn how to find the books of the Bible and verses


Lying Related Activities

Memory Verse Games

Games and activities to reinforce the lesson

Learn the people of the Bible

Salvation Related Activities

Snack Time Related Activities

Stewardship Related Activities

Thankfulness Related Activities

Versatile activities for many situations and topics


Teens to Adults

Helping Hands

Learn the Bible Characters

God wants to be involved in our life

Kindness Related Activities

Learn the books of the Bible


Memory Verse Activities

Learn the people of the Bible

Versatile activities for many situations and topics


How to quickly divide a big group into several small groups

*   As each person comes through the door they are given a piece of paper with the name of an animal on it, example, cow, duck, etc. As you give the paper you explain that they are to tell no one what there animal is. When you are ready to split into teams no one is aloud say anything they can only make the noise of the animal on there paper. They find the people making like animal noises and that is there team. Through the event they can use the animal sounds to cheer there team on and as a team name. (This would be neat to do with a Noah activity or lesson)
(* Special Thanks to Tony Northrip for sharing this great game.)

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*   Dividing by the Word; This is a kind of spelling game. First decide how many groups you want to have, and have everyone form a line. Then tell everyone to remember their letter when they shout it out.
If you want to end up with two groups, pick a two letter word, like "HI" , or a four letter word like "Love" and put two letters in each group. Have the first person yell "H". The second person yell "I". The third person Yell "H", and so on. Have all of the H's be one group and all of the I's be the second group. If you use a four letter word like "love" to make two groups, use two of the letters to form each of the two groups. The L's and the O's against the V's and the E's. Try these dividing Words: God (3groups), Word (4), Love (4), Christ (5), Jesus does not work, too many S's, Faith (5), and so on. Each letter of the word becomes a group. As you finish dividing into groups, have everyone yell the word that was used, like a cheer.

Ice breakers for Teens to Adult

*    Meeting New People; Have everyone write four things about themselves on a card. No names, or male or female. All of the cards are collected and mixed. Everyone picks a card at random from the pile. The people then mingle and talk about what was written on the cards until you find the person for your card. During the mingling you will learn a lot about many of the other people. After everyone has found the person on their card, each person must introduce the person that is on their card and tell a little about them.

Apple Sauce Kids

(English Only)