Apple Sauce Kids

is a completely free, all volunteer (1-2 person) website that contains piles of free Christian materials for all ages, just copy, use and share. You can even put our materials on your website. Please pass them on for free. Generation after generation of volunteer sites like this one, create new materials and use new technologies to share God’s Word totally for free. We encourage you to do the same thing. We do not tract, pester, call, or communicate with you unless you contact us. You can contact us or donate the materials you have created at: askaplsauce@gmail.com

Free Christian Object Lessons

- Click on the name of the lesson that you want, then "PRINT" or High Light and "COPY" -
(click on name to get lesson)
Special Equipment

Growing up in Charity (Love)

Demonstrates the stages of growing up in Charity (Love)8 cups and popsicle stick

Let God Cleanse You Of Your Sins

Demonstrates that God needs to cleanse us of our sinsSome small wood blocks, paper, pencil, Magic Marker

God created the heavens.

The children make a snow globe from a baby food jar.Empty baby food jar, water, and glitter

God Does Love Me

Children are told that Jesus never runs out of LoveMagician’s Repeat Change Bag, and three small pieces of cloth with "LOVE" written on them. Also tells you how to get a change bag.

Helping Hands

Teaches understanding and compassion for handy capped peopleNo special supplies

Love, getting along with other races

Teaches that all races are better if we all work togetherThe supplies to make chocolate chip cookies

I'm Special

Children are told that they are special because they belong to Godone small piece of tape.

1. Jesus in Me, salvation

- this one is outstanding -

View the Video, YouTube:

A soft delivery with a strong salvation message that is good for all agesOne magician's Wooden Ball and Vase.

2. Jesus in Me, salvation

Talks about how Jesus grows in you as you read the Bible and pray.One balloon.

Noah, a witness

Tells the story of Noah through the use of a remembering jar.One big jar (plastic or glass), water, and some small toys.


This Object Lesson points out the responsibility that comes with having an abundanceOne chocolate bar

The Spirit and the Flesh

This Object Lesson demonstrates how to make the Spirit stronger then the Flesh through the Word of GodOne balloon
and one small toy person

Sin separates us from God

This Object Lesson demonstrates that Sin separates us from God and only repentance can bring us back together1) 1 sheet of paper
2) pen,or pencil, or magic marker
3) Scissors
4) Rubber Cement
5) Talcum (Talc) Powder

The Law of Seed Plant Harvest

This Object Lesson demonstrates that when the Word goes out of your mouth it goes everywhere and will find good ground because God planted good seeds in you.1)a Dandelion flower

Fill yourself with Jesus and there will be no room for the Devil

This Object Lesson demonstrates that when you fill yourself with God the Devil has no influence on your life1)One small bowl about the size of a large soup bowl.
2)A larger bowl or small bucket full of something soft and easy to pour like sand, or rice.
3)A doll
4)A straight edge

Protect yourself

Use simple things that protect us from injury to lead to a discussion of how God protects us. Show various protective objects like a thimble, ear plugs, rubber gloves, eyeglass guards, knee pads etc.

The In filling and guiding of the Spirit

This Object Lesson is a general demonstrates of the basic idea of being filled and guiding of the Spirit One balloon that is big enough to be seen in your class room

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Apple Sauce Kids

Please feel free to copy and share all of our materials

If you wish to donate any games or activities please click our email link: askaplsauce@gmail.com
(English Only)